Work Type: Brickwork

Private residence, Warwickshire

The gateway to this property was constructed from reclaimed bricks, which originally gave a somewhat rough, ‘untidy’ look. After Grit blasting, a much smoother and neater finish helped to create an aesthetically appealing entrance. At the same address, a luxurious ‘Wendy House’ was created from reclaimed bricks which were then

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Offices, King’s Cross, London

Previously an old industrial building which has now been converted into modern office accommodation, this property required extensive renovation. Intercity operatives removed the old plasterwork and blasted the walls to reveal a smooth brick finish which has been retained as an architectural feature.

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Private residence, Warwick Road, London

All brickwork and stonework on this property was blast cleaned, with the windows then being prepared and repainted. This partially-blasted section of the exterior wall shows the difference in appearance before and after Blast Cleaning. This photograph demonstrates how much fresher the façade looks when contrasted with a neighbouring property.

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Hotel, King’s Cross, London

Renovation of the entire frontage of this hotel was carried out by our team of trained operatives. Taken before blast cleaning was carried out, this close-up shot of the brickwork shows how years of ingrained soiling from environmental factors such as traffic pollution etc. have taken their toll. Taken after

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